Clever girls
You don’t see them much. They’re a rare species in the Technical High School. Most of them don’t even look like the rest of the species. And the most special thing about them… they are clever!
Rubbish, they’re just like normal girls, but with a little more knowledge in mathematic. There is many prejudges on girl students in HTX, but that is mostly not true. Yes, they are a little more dedicated to science, but in general just like all other girls.
It’s not many girls who study at Technical High School, and that probably has something to do with their parents. There are not many women on the technical labor market compared to men, and that is probably why not many girls start on a technical education. It’s a social legacy. The strange thing is though, there is a higher average of girls that finish compared to boys. That has something to do with girls are much more dedicated to their work, and are much better at staying focused. Now all that sounds wrong when you see how many men that there is on the technical market, but that is actually beginning to change. And because men are been taking out of the technical market, then is there a lot more women beginning in the technical study.
At HTX more and more girls takes the scientific field of subjects. When HTX in Randers was build, no girls studied at the school. Past the time more girls has entered the high school. Maybe there are going to be as many girls as boys at the school in the future. At this time a higher educations as the engineering school have more girls than ever.
Girls normally take a STX or HHX because the subjects are linguistic. The girls like to socialize with other girls, and it is why they don’t normally start at HTX, but now when mathematic is becoming a “cool” subject, they don’t have problems starting at HTX.
Article written by: Philip Kudahl Lauritzen