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Heartstone Review

-By Nicolai Hou - Friday 21/11-2014

The expansion for the free to play game Hearthstone is right around the corner, so we decided to look, at the game in its current state, which is Patch After this, we will discuss the changes Blizzard will make to the game, in the new expansion.  For those you doesn’t know, Hearthstone is virtual card game, where you can play against players online, challenge your friends or play against bots.

Blizzcon 2014

-by Lucas Romanini and Nicolai Hou - Friday 21/11-2014

Blizzcon is over and it has left us exited, and hungry for more. At this years Blizzcon, Blizzard announced multiple things like, “Starcraft 2 legacy of the void”, “Hearthstone: Goblins VS Gnomes”, content patch to Diablo, Heroes of storm moving to closed beta, but all that was expected. The thing that blew us away was overwatch. Overwatch is blizzards first new franchise I 17 years. It is a fast paced first person shooter, that reassemble Team fortress 2 a lot. I must say that Blizzard got some huge balls. First they made Hearthstone and took over that part of the market. 

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