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The Sterotypical HTX student

What does the stereo typical student on a technical high school look like?
We asked around on the internet and this is what we can conclude.



When faced with the question of what high school to choose, a lot of students in primary school will just say that they are going to choose STX (a “normal” high school) without think too much about it.  But why? Is it because of the classes? The location? Is it because it is what their parents did? Or simply because they are afraid of being labeled as a nerd? Because that’s how people seem to see people who is studying at HTX



As showed on the chart, most of the people who answered our survey think that the typical student on HTX is either tall and thin, or short and fat and wearing mostly t-shirts and jeans, with a few people who think that they are yobbo’s. 
But why is that? Is it because supposedly most students like to tinker with their computer so they can have the best gear for playing online games like League of legends, counter strike GO or Call of Duty? or
because of the classes they have, with both chemistry, math and physics being obligatory on B giving an impression of geekiness and a need for high grades? Or is it simply because the stereotype of a student at HTX is the actual normal student, and not just a distorted image of what they really are, just like Americans aren’t all fat. It is all about the prejudges some people have against other groups of people.

-By Lucas Romanini - Friday 21/11-2014

-Chart over answers regarding how the stereo typical HTX student looks like

-Chart over answers regarding what the stereotypical HTX student does in his/her spare time

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